Vision, Missions, Strategies/Goalss

Vision :

The Secretariat of the Cabinet is the key support mechanism for the Cabinet’s public administration

Missions :

1. Use proper knowledge to efficiently support the Cabinet’s decision-making process
2. Monitor implementation of key Cabinet resolutions for maximum benefits to the country and the people.

Core values : CABINET

C = Confidential
A = Accuracy
B = Best Expertise
I = Integrity
N = Networking and Teamwork
E = Express
T = Transparency

Core culture values : SAFE

S = Secrecy
A = Accuracy
F = Fastness
E = Effciency & Explainability


Strategy 1

Promoting analysis and Cabinet submission efficiency


1.1 Proper understanding and strict compliance with the Social Decree on Cabinet submission by submitting government departments

1.1.1 Percentage of correct Cabinet submission in compliance with the Social Decree on Cabinet Submission (KorNorThor., KorSorKhor., KorOrKhor.)

1.2 Personnel’s comprehensive use of knowledge in the analysis of various matters for maximum benefits to the people

1.2.1 Scores of the quality of supplemental data for the Cabinet’s decision (KorNorThor., KorSorKhor., KorOrKhor.)

1.2.2 Percentage of Cabinet submission accompanied by SorLorKhor.’s supplemental opinions (KorNorThor., KorWorKhor., KorSorKhor., KorOrKhor.)

1.2.3 Percentage of Cabinet submission passed as a Cabinet resolution in compliance with SorLorKhor’s opinions (KorNorThor., KorWorKhor., KorSorKhor., KorOrKhor.)

1.3 Correct, precise and practical Cabinet resolutions

1.3.1 Number of Cabinet resolutions or directives submitted by a government agency for reviewing due to error or lack of clarity (KorNorThor., KorPhorTor., KorWorKhor., KorSorKhor., KorOrKhor.)

1.3.2 Percentage of success in completion of subordinate legislation check within the time limit (KorKhorOr.)

1.4 Standard Cabinet meeting with change preparedness

1.4.1 Percentage of satisfaction of Cabinet meeting coordinators (KorPorKhor.)

1.4.2 Number of failure to provide necessary/urgent documents for Cabinet meeting/consideration (KorPorKhor.)


1) Educate government departments on Cabinet submission practices under the Social Decree on Cabinet submission (rules and regulations) on a continuing basis

2) Develop/transfer/manage knowledge for the analysis of Cabinet submission and preparation of Cabinet resolution drafts

3) Build/develop Cabinet meeting technology and practices

4) Prepare and revise work manuals

Strategy 2

Developing a Cabinet policy and resolution implementation monitoring system and a policy recommendation database



2.1 Government departments report implementation of Cabinet policies and resolutions within the time limit

2.1.1 Percentage of reported Cabinet resolution implementation by government departments (KorSorKhor.)

2.1.2 Percentage of success in the collaborating/obtaining progress reports of Cabinet resolution implementation by government departments within the time limit (KorSorKhor.)

2.2 Providing the Cabinet with the data tracking of Cabinet resolution implementation to supplement the Cabinet’s decision making

2.2.1 Number of Cabinet resolutions with completed progress reports on Cabinet policies/resolutions implementation that have been revised or re-prepared in accordance with the prescribed goals (KorPhorTor.)

2.2.2 Percentage of satisfaction on the collection of Cabinet resolutions (KorPhorTor.)


1) Develop databases on the monitoring and evaluating of the Cabinet policy and resolution implementation

2) Develop systems for the monitoring and evaluation of Cabinet policy and resolution implementation

3) Develop collaboration mechanism for the Cabinet and Senate coordinators (PorKhorRor.)

4) Develop knowledge for the monitoring of Cabinet policy and resolution implementation

5) Develop personnel with knowledge and ability for timely performance who can keep up with ongoing changes

Strategy 3

Improving efficiency of works relating to royal activities



3.1 Performing works relating to royal activities in accordance with the traditional customs and practices as well as the royal honor

3.1.1 Number of erroneous performance during royal

3.1.2 Number of times that SOC has to ask for royal forgiveness for erroneous performance (KorOrKhor.)

3.1.3 Percentage of knowledge for the performing of duties relating to royal activities that have been revised or re-prepared in accordance with the prescribed goals (KorOrKhor.)


1) Develop knowledge/manual/guideline for the performing of duties relating to royal activities

2) Develop work system and database on royal activities

3) Develop collaboration networks for the performing of duties relating to royal activities

4) Develop personnel for the performing of royal activities

Strategy 4

Development of a process for the dissemination of key information in the Royal Gazettes



4.1 Developing standard Royal Gazette work system

4.1.1 Number of failure to place Royal Gazette announcements on SOC website within the time limit (KorRorJor.-KorOrKhor.)

4.1.2 Percentage of knowledge or work manuals that were developed or revised in accordance with the prescribed goals (KorRorJor.-KorOrKhor.)

4.2 Being a center for the dissemination of laws and key information

4.2.1 Percentage of laws and key information disseminated on SOC website (KorNorThor., KorBorSor., KorRorJor.-KorOrKhor.)

4.3 The public correctly and timely learn about key data in the Royal Gazettes

4.3.1 Percentage of increased number of users who access SOC information via different channels in comparison with last year number (KorBorSor., KorRorJor.-KorOrKhor.)


1) Develop efficient technology for the Royal Gazette operations

2) Develop legal system and database

3) Develop the dissemination process of data in the Royal Gazettes to support the changing technologies

4) Develop skilled personnel to support publicity technologies

Strategy 5

Development of management system to support the performance of related key missions



5.1 Developing personnel with high capacity to cope with all work situations and SOC’s future development

5.1.1 Percentage of revised or newly developed knowledge about work performance that were completed in accordance with the prescribed goals (SorLorThor., KorBorSor., KorPhorRor.)

5.1.2 Percentage of developed personnel in each year compared to the total number of personnel (KorPhorRor.)

5.2 Developing standard, efficient and up-to-date management and work systems

5.2.1 Level of success in the formulation of human resources management plans (SorLorThor.)

(1) Career path

(2) Succession plan

(3) SOC personnel loyalty plan

5.2.2 Percentage of SOC personnel satisfaction of human resources management system, career path and organization fairness (SorLorThor.)

5.2.3 Percentage of success in the SOC personnel loyalty plan operations

5.2.4 Percentage of success in the Occupational Health Safety plan (SorLorThor.) operations

5.2.5 Project Management and Quality Assurance (PMQA) performance outcome (KorPhorRor., Bureau/Division/Group)

5.2.6 Percentage of success of key database connection for the performing of SOC’s missions in accordance with the prescribed goals (KorBorSor.)

5.2.7 Percentage of success in acquiring IT system to support future changes (KorBorSor.)

5.3 Promoting good governance in suppressing corruption and misconduct

5.3.1 Integrity and Transparency Assessment (ITA) outcome (SorPorThor./Bureau/Division/Group)


1) Develop personnel for adjustment to future change/ development and for the developing of rational analytical skills and immunity for changes (ongoing development)

2) Develop personnel for future changes (all mission groups)

3) Develop human resources management system

4) Develop standard, efficient and up-to-date management system

5) Improve IT system to keep up up-to-date and support work performance in all situations

6) Promote and develop mechanism for good governance in anti-corruption effort and misconduct

Updated Date 6 September 2017

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